Peer-reviewed journal publications
Maassen, B., & Terband, H. (2024). Toward Process-Oriented, Dimensional Approaches for Diagnosis and Treatment of Speech Sound Disorders in Children: Position Statement and Future Perspectives. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research. 1 - 22.
van Tellingen, M., Hurkmans, J., Terband, H., van de Zande, A. M., Maassen, B., & Jonkers, R. (2023). Speech and music therapy in the treatment of childhood apraxia of speech: An introduction and a case study. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research. 67, 3269 - 3287.
van Tellingen, M., Hurkmans, J., Terband, H., Jonkers, R., & Maassen, B. (2023). Music and musical elements in the treatment of childhood speech sound disorders: A systematic review of the literature. International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology. 25(4), 549-565. DOI: 10.1080/17549507.2022.2097310
Terband, H. & Van Brenk, F. (2023). Modeling responses to auditory feedback perturbations in adults, children, and children with complex speech sound disorders: evidence for impaired auditory self-monitoring? Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research. 66(5), 1563 - 1587.
Diepeveen, S., Terband, H., van Haaften, L., van de Zande, A.M., Megens-Huigh, Ch., De Swart, B., & Maassen, B. (2022). Process-oriented profiling of speech sound disorders. Children, 9(10), 1502. DOI: 10.3390/children9101502
van Tellingen, M., Hurkmans, J., Terband, H., Jonkers, R., & Maassen, B. (2022). Music and musical elements in the treatment of childhood speech sound disorders: A systematic review of the literature. International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology. DOI: 10.1080/17549507.2022.2097310
van Haaften, L., Diepeveen, S., Terband, H., De Swart, B., Van den Engel-Hoek, L., & Maassen, B. (2021). Maximum Repetition Rate in a large cross-sectional sample of typically developing Dutch-speaking children. International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 23(5), 508-518. DOI: 10.1080/17549507.2020.1865458
Murray, E., Iuzzini, J., Maas, E., Terband, H., & Ballard, K. (2020). Diagnosis of Childhood Apraxia of Speech compared to other Speech Sound Disorders: A Systematic Review. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 30(1), 279-300. DOI: 10.1044/2020_AJSLP-20-00063
Diepeveen, S., van Haaften, L., Terband, H., De Swart, B., & Maassen, B. (2020). Clinical Reasoning for Speech Sound Disorders: Diagnosis and Intervention in Speech-Language Pathologists' Daily Practice. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 29(3), 1529-1549. DOI: 10.1044/2020_AJSLP-19-00040
van Brenk, F. & Terband, H. (2020). Individual differences in compensatory and adaptive responses to real-time formant shifts in adults and children. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 147, 2261. DOI: 10.1121/10.0001018
Terband, H., Rodd, J., & Maas, E. (2019). Testing hypotheses about the underlying deficit of apraxia of speech (AOS) through computational neural modelling with the DIVA model. International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 22(4), 475-486. DOI: 10.1080/17549507.2019.1669711
Maassen, B., Terband, H., Maas, E., & Namasivayam, A. (2019). Preface to the Special Issue: Select Papers From the 7th International Conference on Speech Motor Control. Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research, 62(8S), 2923–2925. DOI: 10.1044/2019_JSLHR-S-CSMC7-19-0247
Terband, H., Namasivayam, A., van Brenk, F., Diepeveen, S., Mailend, M-L., Maas, E., Van Lieshout, P. & Maassen, B. (2019). Assessment of Childhood Apraxia of Speech: a review/tutorial of objective measurement techniques. Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research, 62(8S), 2999–3032. DOI: 10.1044/2019_JSLHR-S-CSMC7-19-0214
Diepeveen, S., van Haaften, L., Terband, H., De Swart, B., & Maassen, B. (2019). A standardized protocol for Maximum Repetition Rate assessment in children. Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica, 71, 238–250. DOI: 10.1159/000500305
Terband, H., Maassen, B. & Maas, E. (2019). A psycholinguistic framework for diagnosis and treatment planning of developmental speech disorders. Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica, 71, 216–227. DOI: 10.1159/000499426
van Haaften, L., Diepeveen, S., Terband, H., Vermeij, B., Van den Engel-Hoek, L., De Swart, B., & Maassen, B. (2019). Clinical validation of the Computer Articulation Instrument (CAI). American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 28(2S):844-856. DOI: 10.1044/2018_AJSLP-MSC18-18-0112
Terband, H., Spruit, M., & Maassen, B. (2018). Speech impairment in children with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 27, 1405–1425.
van Doornik, J.C., Gerrits, E., McLeod, S., & Terband, H. (2018). Impact of communication partner familiarity and speech accuracy on parents’ ratings of their child for the Intelligibility in Context Scale: Dutch. International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 20(3), 350-360.
Terband, H., Coppens-Hofman, M.C., Reffeltrath, M., & Maassen, B. (2018). Effectiveness of speech therapy in adults with intellectual disabilities. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 31(2), 236-248.
Coppens-Hofman, M.C., Terband, H., Snik, A.F.M., & Maassen, B. (2016). Speech characteristics and intelligibility in adults with mild and moderate intellectual disabilities. Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica, 68, 175-182.
Terband, H., Maassen, B., & Maas, E. (2016). Klinisch Forum: Een procesgerichte aanpak van differentiaaldiagnose en therapieplanning bij spraakontwikkelingsstoornissen. Stem- Spraak- Taalpathologie, 21, 1-31. (in Dutch)
Nijssen, M., van Brenk, F. & Terband, H. (2015). Procesanalyse van spraakproductie bij kinderen met spraakontwikkelingsstoornissen. Stem- Spraak- Taalpathologie, 20, 216-237. (in Dutch)
Nijland, L., Terband, H., & Maassen, B. (2015). Cognitive functions in Childhood Apraxia of Speech. Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research, 58, 550-565.
Terband, H. & van Brenk, F. (2015). Compensatory and adaptive responses to real-time formant shifts in adults and children. Proceedings of the 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS 2015), Glasgow, August 10-14.
Terband, H., Rodd, J., & Maas, E. (2015). Simulations of feedforward and feedback control in apraxia of speech (AOS): Effects of noise masking on vowel production in the DIVA model. Proceedings of the 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS 2015), Glasgow, August 10-14.
Terband, H., van Brenk, F., & van Doornik-van der Zee, J.C. (2014). Auditory feedback perturbation in children with developmental speech disorders. Journal of Communication Disorders, 51, 64-77.
Terband, H., Maassen, B., Guenther, F. H., & Brumberg, J. (2014). Auditory-Motor Interactions in Pediatric Motor Speech Disorders: Neurocomputational Modeling of Disordered Development. Journal of Communication Disorders, 47, 17-33.
van Brenk, F., Terband, H., van Lieshout, P., Lowit, A., & Maassen, B. (2014). Rate-related kinematic changes in younger and older adults. Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica, 65, 69-77.
Coppens-Hofman, M.C., Terband, H., Maassen, B., van Schrojenstein Lantman-De Valk H.M.J., van Zaalen-op ‘t Hof, Y., & Snik, A.F.M. (2013). Dysfluencies in the speech of adults with intellectual disabilities and reported speech difficulties. Journal of Communication Disorders, 46, 484-494.
Terband, H., van Zaalen, Y., & Maassen, B. (2012). Lateral jaw stability in children with developmental speech disorders, Journal of Medical Speech-Language Pathology, 20(4), 112-118.
Terband, H. & Maassen, B. (2012). Spraakontwikkelingsstoornissen: Van symptoom- naar procesdiagnostiek, Logopedie en Phoniatrie, 7-8, 229-234.(in Dutch; invited paper)
Terband, H., Maassen, B., Van Lieshout, P., & Nijland, L. (2011). Stability and composition of functional synergies for speech movements in children with developmental speech disorders. Journal of Communication Disorders, 44(1), 59-74.
Terband, H., & Maassen, B. (2010). Speech motor development in Childhood Apraxia of Speech (CAS): generating testable hypotheses by neurocomputational modeling. Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica, 62, 134-142.
Maassen, B., Terband, H., & Nijland, L. (2009). Modellen van spraakontwikkelingsdyspraxie. Stem- Spraak- Taalpathologie, 16(03), 137-154.(in Dutch)
Terband, H., Maassen, B., Guenther, F. H., & Brumberg, J. (2009). Computational neural modeling of Childhood Apraxia of Speech (CAS). Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research, 52(6), 1595-1609.
van Brenk, F., Terband, H., Maassen, B., van Lieshout, P., & Lowit, A. (2009). An analysis of speech rate strategies in aging. Proceedings of Interspeech 2009, 792-795.
Terband, H., van Brenk, F., van Lieshout, P., Nijand, L. & Maassen, B. (2009). Stability and composition of functional synergies for speech movements in children and adults. Proceedings of Interspeech 2009, 788-791.
Terband, H. & Drullman, R. (2008). Study of an automated procedure for a Dutch sentence test for the measurement of the speech reception threshold in noise. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 124(5), 3225-3234.
Clinical instruments and applications
Maassen, B., van Haaften, L., Diepeveen, S., Terband, H., van den Engel-Hoek, L., Veenker, Th., & De Swart, B. (2019). Het Computer Articulatie Instrument (CAI). Amsterdam: Boom Testuitgevers.
McLeod, S., Harrison, L. J., & McCormack, J. (2013). Schaal voor Verstaanbaarheid in de Context [Intelligibility in Context Scale: Dutch]. (J.C. van Doornik-van der Zee & H. Terband, Trans.). Bathurst, NSW, Australia: Charles Sturt University.
Terband, H. & Drullman, R. (2008). Een automatische methode voor het meten van de spraakverstaanvaardigheid. TNO Human Factors.
Edited books & collections
Maassen, B., Terband, H., & Maas, E. (Eds.) (2022). 8th International Conference on Speech Motor Control Groningen: Abstracts. Stem- Spraak- Taalpathologie, 27 (Suppl.).
Maassen, B., Terband, H., Maas, E., & Namasivayam, A. (2019). Special Issue: Select Papers From the 7th International Conference on Speech Motor Control. Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research, 62(8S).
van Brenk, F. & Terband, H. (Eds.) (2018). Research tutorials door Nederlandstalige onderzoekers in het buitenland II. Stem- Spraak- Taalpathologie, 23 (Special issue). (in Dutch)
Maassen, B. & Terband, H. (Eds.) (2017). 7th International Conference on Speech Motor Control Groningen: Abstracts. Stem- Spraak- Taalpathologie, 21 (Suppl.).
Van Lieshout, P., Maassen, B., & Terband, H. (Eds.) (2016). Speech Motor Control in normal and disordered speech: Future developments in theory and methodology. Rockville, MD: ASHA.
Terband, H. (Ed.) (2015). Research tutorials door Nederlandstalige onderzoekers in het buitenland. Stem- Spraak- Taalpathologie, 20 (Special issue). (in Dutch)
Maassen, B., Van Lieshout, P., & Terband, H. (Eds.) (2011). 6th International Conference on Speech Motor Control Groningen: Abstracts. Stem- Spraak- Taalpathologie, 17 (Suppl.).
Maassen, B., Van Lieshout, P., & Terband, H. (Eds.) (2006). Abstracts 5th International Conference on Speech Motor Control Nijmegen. Stem- Spraak- Taalpathologie, 14 (Suppl.).
Book chapters
van Doornik, A., Beers, Gerrits, E., & Fikkert, P., Terband, H. (Accepted). Speech-language development in Dutch. In: McLeod, S. (Ed.). The [Oxford] Handbook of Speech Development in Languages of the World. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
Terband, H., Maassen, B., & Maas, E. (2016). Toward a model of pediatric speech sound disorders (SSD) for differential diagnosis and therapy planning. In: P. van Lieshout, B. Maassen, and H. Terband (Eds). Speech Motor Control in normal and disordered speech: Future developments in theory and methodology (pp. 81-110). Rockville, MD: ASHA.
Maassen, B. & Terband, H. (2015). Process-oriented diagnosis of Childhood and adult Apraxia of Speech (CAS & AOS). In: M.A. Reford (Ed). Handbook of Speech Production (pp. 331-349). Oxford, UK: Wiley-Blackwell.
Jonkers, R., Terband, H., & Maassen, B. (2014). The diagnosis and therapy in adult dysarthria and apraxia of speech in the Netherlands. In: A. Lowit and N. Miller (Eds). Communication Disorders Across Languages: Acquired motor speech disorders (pp. 156-167). Bristol, UK: Multilingual Matters.
Maassen, B., Nijland, L., & Terband, H. (2010). Developmental models of Childhood Apraxia of Speech. In: B. Maassen and P. van Lieshout (Eds). Speech motor control: New developments in basic and applied research (pp. 234-258). Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
Selected peer-reviewed conference contributions: talks
Terband, H., Rankenberg, Y., van Doornik, A. (2022). Speech production errors in Australian-Dutch bilingual children. Paper presented at the 2022 Speech Motor Conference, Groningen, The Netherlands, August 24-27.
Maas, E., Schölderle, T., Williams, P., Hayden, D., Iuzzini-Seigel, J., Kent, R., Murray, E., Nip, I., & Terband, H. (2022). Pediatric Motor Speech Disorders: A Panel Discussion on a Consensus Delphi Project. Paper presented at the 2022 Speech Motor Conference, Groningen, The Netherlands, August 24-27.
Terband, H. (2022). Causes and Mechanisms of Childhood Apraxia of Speech: insights from neurocomputational modeling and simulation studies. Paper presented at the 2022 Apraxia-Kids Research Symposium, Las Vegas NV, July 5-7. Invited speaker.
van Tellingen, M., Hurkmans, J., Terband, H., van de Zande, A.-M., Maassen, B. & Jonkers, R. (2022). Treatment of Childhood Apraxia of Speech with Speech and Music Therapy. Paper presented at the 2022 Apraxia-Kids Research Symposium, Las Vegas NV, July 5-7.
van Doornik, Gerrits, E., McLeod, S., Terband, H. & Welbie, M. (2020). Speech-language pathologists’ views on the severity of speech sound disorders in children. Paper presented at the Early Childhood Voices Conference 2020, Sidney - online, November 16-20.
Terband, H. (2020). Developmental models of childhood speech disorders. Paper presented at the IMPRS Conference 2020: Interdisciplinary Approaches in the Language Sciences, Nijmegen, June 3-5. Invited speaker.
Murray, E., Iuzzini, J., Maas, E., Terband, H., & Ballard, K. (2019). How do we diagnose childhood apraxia of speech versus other speech sound disorders? Answers from a systematic review. Paper presented at the Joint Speech Pathology Australia (SPA) and the New Zealand Speech-language Therapists’ Association (NZSTA) Conference, Brisbane, June 2-5, 2019.
Terband, H. (2019). The DIVA model and motor speech disorders. Paper presented at the Workshop Motor Speech Disorders: characterizing phonetic speech planning and motor speech programming/execution and their impairments, University of Geneva, January 16-17, 2019. Invited speaker.
Murray, E., Iuzzini, J., Maas, E., Terband, H., & Ballard, K. (2018). Diagnosis of Childhood Apraxia of Speech compared to other Speech Sound Disorders: A Systematic Review. Paper presented at the ASHA Convention 2018, Boston MA, November 15-17, 2018.
van Doornik, Gerrits, E., Terband, H. & McLeod, S. (2018). Self-evaluation of communicative attitude by children with speech sound disorders. Paper presented at the 17th International Clinical Phonetics and Linguistics Association Conference 2018, Malta, October 23-25.
Lentz, T. & Terband, H. (2018). Articulatory strategies to mark prominence in consonants. Paper presented at the Hanyang International Symposium on Phonetics and Cognitive Sciences of Language 2018, Seoul, Korea, May 18-19, 2018.
Maassen, B., Diepeveen, S., van Haaften, L., Terband, H., Van den Engel-Hoek, L., & De Swart, B. (2018). Clinical validation of the Computer Articulation Instrument (CAI). Paper presented at the Conference on Motor Speech 2018, Savannah GA, February 21-25.
Terband, H., Rodd, J., & Maas, E. (2018). Testing hypotheses about the underlying deficit of apraxia of speech (AOS) through computational neural modelling: Effects of noise masking on vowel production in the DIVA model. Paper presented at the Conference on Motor Speech 2018, Savannah GA, February 21-25.
Keij, B., Janssen, L., Van der Graaff, J., De Mulder, H., Verhagen, J., & Terband, H. (2017). The relation between linguistic skills and problem behaviour in typically developing pre-schoolers. Paper presented at the 18th European Conference on Developmental Psychology, Utrecht, August 29 – September 1.
van Doornik, J.C., Terband, H., Gerrits, E. & McLeod, S. (2017). Differences in intelligibility ratings by parents of children with and without speech sound disorders using the ICS-NL. Paper presented at the Speech Pathology Australia National Conference 2017, Sydney, May 28-31.
Terband, H. (2017). Toward a model of speech development and disorders for diagnosis and treatment planning. Paper presented at the Workshop on Speech Perception and Production across the Lifespan (SPPL) 2017, London, April 26-27. Keynote speaker (invited).
Terband, H. (2017). Toward a model of speech development and disorders for diagnosis and treatment planning. Paper presented at the EMLAR XIII, annual workshop Experimental Methods in Language Acquisition Research, Utrecht, the Netherlands, April 19-21. Invited speaker.
Terband, H. & Spruit, M. (2017). Speech impairment in children with FASD: causes, consequences, clinical profile, and treatment. Paper presented at the 7th International Conference on FASD, Vancouver, March 1-4, 2017.
Spruit, M, & Terband, H. (2016). Speech production disorders in children with FASD. Paper presented at the European Conference on FASD 2016, London, September 12-14.
Maassen, B., Terband, H., van Haaften, L., Diepeveen, S., & De Swart, B. (2016). The development and standardization of a speech production test for children: The Computer Articulation Instrument (CAI). Paper presented at the Conference on Motor Speech 2016, Newport Beach CA, March 2-6.
Terband, H., Maassen, B., & Coppens-Hofman, M.C. (2015). Effectiveness of speech therapy in adults with intellectual disabilities. Paper presented at the ASHA Convention 2015, Denver CO, November 12-14.
Maassen, B., van Haaften, L., Diepeveen, S., De Swart, B., & Terband, H. (2015). Construction and Evaluation of a Computer Articulation Instrument (CAI) for Children. Paper presented at the ASHA Convention 2015, Denver CO, November 12-14.
van Doornik-van der Zee, J.C. & Terband, H. (2015). Intelligibility measurements in developmental speech disorders. Paper presented at the 9th European Congress of Speech and Language Therapy (CPLOL 2015), Florence, May 8-9.
Terband, H., van Brenk, F., van der Zee, J.C., Nijssen, M., & Cai, S. (2014). Auditory feedback perturbation in children with developmental speech sound disorders. Paper presented at the Conference on Motor Speech 2014, Sarasota FL, February 27-March 2.
Terband, H. (2013). Neurocognitive-Behavioral Research in Childhood Apraxia of Speech: where do we go from here? Paper presented at the CASANA Childhood Apraxia of Speech Research Symposium, Atlanta GA, February 21-22. Invited speaker.
Terband, H. & Maassen, B. (2011). Speech motor development in Childhood Apraxia of Speech (CAS): generating testable hypotheses by neurocomputational modeling. Paper presented at the 6thInternational Conference on Speech Motor Control, Groningen, June 8-11. Invited speaker.
Terband, H., Maassen, B., Guenther, F.H., & Brumberg, J. (2010). Testing hypotheses about the neurological mechanisms underlying Childhood Apraxia of Speech (CAS). Paper presented at the Conference on Motor Speech 2010, Savannah GA, March 4-7.
Terband, H., Maassen, B., & Guenther, F.H. (2009). Testing hypotheses about the neurological mechanisms underlying Childhood Apraxia of Speech (CAS). Paper presented at the TABU-dag 2009, Groningen, June 11-12. Best presentation award.
Selected peer-reviewed conference contributions: posters
van Tellingen, M., Hurkmans, J., Terband, H., van de Zande, A.-M., Maassen, B. & Jonkers, R. (2022). Treatment of Childhood Apraxia of Speech with Speech and Music Therapy. Paper submitted for the 2022 Speech Motor Conference, Groningen, The Netherlands, August 24-27.
van Tellingen, M., Hurkmans, J., Terband, H., van de Zande, A.-M., Maassen, B. & Jonkers, R. (2022). Treatment of Childhood Apraxia of Speech with Speech and Music Therapy. Paper submitted for the 34th Annual Meeting European Academy of Childhood Disability - EACD 2022, Barcelona, May 18-21.
Terband, H., Van Brenk, F. & Maassen, B. (2022). SimpleDIVA modelling of SSD speakers’ responses to formant perturbations. Poster to be presented at the Conference on Motor Speech 2022, Charlotte, SC, February 20-23.
Diepeveen, S., van Haaften, L., van de Zande, A.M., Megens-Huigh, Ch., Terband, H., De Swart, B., & Maassen, B. (2022). Towards a typology of speech sound disorders. Poster to be presented at the Conference on Motor Speech 2022, Charlotte, SC, February 20-23.
Terband, H. & Lentz, T. (2020). Perception-production relationships in weighting phonetic cues of vowel contrasts. Poster at the Conference on Motor Speech 2020, Santa Barbara CA, February 20-23.
Van Brenk, F., Terband, H. & Maassen, B. (2020). SimpleDIVA modelling of individual differences in speakers’ responses to auditory feedback perturbation. Poster at the Conference on Motor Speech 2020, Santa Barbara CA, February 20-23.
van Doornik, Gerrits, E., Terband, H. & McLeod, S. (2020). Severity of speech sound disorders (SSD). Poster at the Conference on Motor Speech 2020, Santa Barbara CA, February 20-23.
Diepeveen, S., van Haaften, L., Terband, H., Van den Engel-Hoek, L., De Swart, B., & Maassen, B. (2020). Maximum Repetition Rate normative data from a large sample of Dutch-speaking children, and its role in speech profiling. Poster at the Conference on Motor Speech 2020, Santa Barbara CA, February 20-23.
Spruit, M, & Terband, H. (2018). Speech production disorders in children with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders. Poster at the 10th European Congress of Speech and Language Therapy (CPLOL), Cascais, May 10-12, 2018.
Terband, H., Maassen, B. & Maas, E. (2018). A model of speech development and disorders for diagnosis and treatment planning. Poster at the Conference on Motor Speech 2018, Savannah GA, February 21-25.
Terband, H. (2018). Deviant coarticulation in children with childhood apraxia of speech (CAS) does not include hyperarticulation. Poster at the Conference on Motor Speech 2018, Savannah GA, February 21-25.
Keij, B., Janssen, L., Van der Graaff, J., De Mulder, H., Verhagen, J., & Terband, H. (2017). The relation between phonological skills and problem behaviour in pre-schoolers. Poster at the 14th International Congress for the Study of Child Language 2017, Lyon, July 17-21.
Terband, H. (2017). Deviant coarticulation in children with childhood apraxia of speech (CAS) does not include hyperarticulation. Poster at the 7th International Conference on Speech Motor Control, Groningen, July 5-8.
Terband, H., van Montfort, M., Bax, L., Hart, P., Sehgal, S., Smorenburg, L., Versteeg, F., & Lentz, T. (2017). Articulatory control parameters of phonological contrasts: the case of cue-weighting for Dutch /ɑ/ - /a/. Poster at the 7th International Conference on Speech Motor Control, Groningen, July 5-8.
Diepeveen, S., van Haaften, L., Terband, H., De Swart, B. & Maassen, B. (2017). Maximum Repetition Rate: Normative data and a comparison of children with Speech Sound Disorders (SSD). Poster at the 7th International Conference on Speech Motor Control, Groningen, July 5-8.
Maassen, B., Terband, H., van Haaften, L., Diepeveen, S., & De Swart, B. (2016). Maximum Repetition Rate (MRR) in Children: Standardization and Bench-marking. Poster at the Conference on Motor Speech 2016, Newport Beach CA, March 2-6.
Spruit, M., Terband, H., & Maassen, B. (2016). Speech disorders in children with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome: Commonalities and individual differences. Poster at the Conference on Motor Speech 2016, Newport Beach CA, March 2-6.
Terband, H., Nijssen, M., van Brenk, F., van der Zee, J.C., & Maassen, B. (2014). Development of a learning task for a process-oriented diagnostics of developmental speech sound disorders: a pilot study. Poster at the Conference on Motor Speech 2014, Sarasota FL, February 27-March 2.
van Brenk, F., Terband, H., & Cai, S. (2014). Auditory feedback perturbation in adults and children. Poster at the Conference on Motor Speech 2014, Sarasota FL, February 27-March 2.
Terband, H., van Zaalen, Y., Hommeles, S., Martens, A., Savelkoul, N., & Maassen, B. (2012). Lateral jaw stability in children with developmental speech disorders. Poster at the Conference on Motor Speech 2012, Santa Rosa CA, February 29-March 4.
Terband, H., van Brenk, F., van Lieshout, P., Maassen, B., & Lowit, A. (2012). Speech rate strategies in younger and older adults. Poster at the Conference on Motor Speech 2012, Santa Rosa CA, February 29-March 4.
Terband, H., Maassen, B., Lieshout, P., & Nijland, L. (2010). Stability and composition of functional synergies for speech movements in children with developmental speech disorders. Poster at the Conference on Motor Speech 2010, Savannah GA, March 4-7.
Maassen, B. and Terband, H. (2008). Modeling feedback mechanisms in Childhood Apraxia of Speech. Poster at the 12th Congress of the ICPLA, Istanbul, June 25-28.
Terband, H., Maassen, B., Brumberg, J., & Guenther, F. H. (2008). Increased levels of neural noise as the core deficit in Childhood Apraxia of Speech (CAS). Poster at the Conference on Motor Speech 2008, Monterey CA, March 6-9.
Terband, H., van Brenk, F., Maassen, B., & Nijland, L. (2008, March 6-9). Articulation in children with developmental speech disorders. Poster at the Conference on Motor Speech 2008, Monterey CA, March 6-9.
Maassen, B. & Terband, H. (2007). Neurophysiological Precursors of Dyslexia in Infancy. Poster at the ASHA Convention 2007, Boston MA, November 15-17.
Terband, H., Maassen, B. & Brumberg, J. (2007). Computational Neural Modeling of Childhood Apraxia of Speech. Poster at the ASHA Convention 2007, Boston MA, November 15-17.
Selected professional lectures and workshops
Keij, B., Janssen, L., Van der Graaff, J., De Mulder, H., Verhagen, J., & Terband, H. (2017). The relation between phonological skills and problem behaviour in preschoolers. Congres TaalStaal 2017: Effectiviteit van behandelinterventie, Utrecht, November 10, 2017.
Terband, H. (2017). Naar een model van spraakontwikkelingsstoornissen voor differentiaaldiagnose en therapieplanning. Invited lecture at the Noorddag Logopedie ELANN, Groningen, March 11, 2017.
Terband, H. (2016). Testing hypotheses about the underlying deficit of apraxia of speech (AOS) through computational neural modelling: Effects of noise masking on vowel production in the DIVA model. Invited lecture at NOSHC: New Observations in Speech and Hearing Colloquium, Institute of Phonetics and Speech Processing, Ludwig-Maximilians Universität München, December 7.
Janssen, L., Keij, B., De Mulder, H., Verhagen, J., Van der Graaff, J., & Terband, H. (2016). Communicatieve vaardigheden als voorspeller van gedrag bij kleuters. SCEM Symposium Taalontwikkeling: stoornis of achterstand?, Ede, December 1, 2016.
Terband, H. (2016). Naar een model van spraakontwikkelingsstoornissen voor differentiaaldiagnose en therapieplanning. Invited lecture at Capita selecta ANLU, Utrecht, January 22.
Maassen, B. & Terband, H. (2014). Computer-articulatie instrument: een gestandaardiseerde assessment van fonologische en spraakmotorische ontwikkeling en stoornissen. Workshop at Alle Taal Centraal symposium (Koninklijke Kentalis), Eindhoven, November 13.
Terband, H. & Maassen, B. (2012). Klinische implementatie van procesdiagnostiek en indicatiestelling van complexe, senso-motorische spraakstoornissen bij kinderen. Invited lecture at NVSST, Utrecht, December 22.
Terband, H. (2012). Vroege verwerving spraakmotoriek. Invited lecture at WALS, Utrecht, May 22.